International Webinar “Strategies for Strengthening Characters of Human Resources in Public and Business Sectors during Covid-19 Pandemic” di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Islam Malang (FIA – UNISMA)  ini diselenggarakan pada hari Senin tanggal 22 Juni 2020. The Chairman of the Committee was Dr.Afifuddin, S.Ag, M.Si.

The host was Dadang Krisdianto. M.Si, and the speakers were:

  1. H. M. Mas’ud Said, M.M., Ph.D

Director of Pasca Sarjana, University of Islam Malang

     2. Hajah Halimaturradiah binti Dato Seri Setia Haji Metussin

Lecturer & Industrial Training Coordinator Centre for Promotion of Knowledge and Language, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam.

    3. Hajah Nur Annisa binti Haji Sarbini, Ph.D (Candidate)

Lecturer, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam


Webinar ini dihadiri oleh seluruh dosen, staf, serta mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi. Selain itu, terdapat sejumlah 307 orang participants dengan pendaftar sejumlah 450 orang dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, di antaranya dari Universitas Batik Solo, UNTAG Surabaya, Unitomo Surabaya, Universitas Tulungagung, dan lain sebagainya. Bahkan, ada juga participants dari Malaysia, Singapura, serta Brunei Darussalam.

The Dean, Dr. Hj. Rini Rahayu Kurniati, M.Si, gave the welcome speech about the purpose this webinar:

  1. To continue the MoU of the Rector of University of Islam Malang with the Rector of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam
  2. To continue the MoA of the Dean of the Faculty of Administration Science with the Director of the Strategy Planning and Development Office of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam

That is about “Students Exchange” eight students and three lecturer last year.

  1. As a part of the implementation of “Kampus Merdeka & Merdeka Belajar” program, of which the students must learn out of their programs or out of the campus

Bapak WR 1 Prof. H. Junaidi Mistar Ph.D opened the webinar. Dalam sambutannya, bapak WR 1 menyampaikan his appreciations to the Dean and all lecturers of Faculty of Administration Science. Dikatakan bahwa topik yang disajikan sangat cocok, yaitu “Strategies for Strengthening Characters of Human Resources in Public and Business Sectors during Covid-19 Pandemic”, dengan pembahasan bagaimana memberikan kekuatan sumber daya manusia di sektor publik dan bisnis selama pandemi Covid-19. Kesesuaian ini ada karena Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi memiliki dua program studi yaitu Administrasi Publik dan Administrasi Bisnis.

Prof. H. M. Mas’ud Said, M.M., Ph.D presented “HRD in Public and Business Sectors”, Dr. Hajah Halimaturradiah presented ”Stress, Coping Style”, and Hajah Nur Annisa Ph.D (Candidate) presented ”Professional Characters of Human Resources”. Berbagai pertanyaan dari participants ditujukan pada speakers. Webinar berjalan lancar dan khidmat dimulai pukul 09.00 hingga pukul 11.15.

The closing statement from the Dean was about “Strategies for Strengthening Characters of Human Resources in Public and Business Sectors during Covid-19 Pandemic”. They are:

1. Think positively to Allah SWT – everything that Allah has decreed is the best

2. Support each other and continue to seek help and guidance from Allah SWT

3. Human Resources must be: adaptive, innovative, and efficient

4. Human Resources best practices are:

5. Be creative

6. Make deliberate communication, consistent communication is necessary

7. Be caring to the staff’s and employee’s wellness and have safety initiatives

8. Reconsider policies

9. Implement remote works strategies

10.Avoid discrimination and exclusion


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Dr. Rini Rahayu Kurniati, M.Si
Dr. Rini Rahayu Kurniati, M.Si
Articles: 6