Going International, FIA UNISMA Invited a Foreign Thesis Examiner

Related to implementing international collaborations, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA), UNISMA, has invited Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azlina Md Yasin, as the foreign examiner of a Thesis Examination held on February 17, 2024. It serves as one of the implementations of a LoI between FIA UNISMA and FTPT UTHM Malaysia.

Lutfiatus Sholikhah was the examinee of this thesis examination. She was under the supervisions of Dr. Rini Rahayu Kurniati, M.Si, as the main supervisor, and Khoiriyah Trianti, S.E, M.S.A., as the Co-Supervisor.

The examination took place in English and went smoothly and successfully.
Although performed in English, Lutfiatus could communicate fluently with the three examiners so that she could also answer the questions well. As a result, Lutfiatus earned the score A (very good) from all examiners, including from the foreign examiner

The Dean of FIA UNISMA, Dr. Rini Rahayu Kurniati, M.Si, expected to have such and other international activities as a way of the faculty to go international.

Good luck FIA UNISMA.

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